Meet our teachers and staff
„The most important thing is that the teacher is enthusiastic about learning and passes this enthusiasm on to the students." (Rudolf Steiner)

" ... Music is in man to make man man." - Rudolf Steiner
I am Bálint Károly, one of the founding teachers of the Apáczai School.
I was born on 20 March 1981 in Szombathely.
I graduated from the Waldorf Pedagogical Institute "Sándor Török" in 2006. I graduated as a class teacher and music teacher. I was a founding member of the Vox Libera choir of the institution. With this ensemble we have given many concerts and demonstration lessons both at home and abroad.
I am also very interested in special education. It was in Dr. Klára Kokas' memorable sessions that I had my first face-to-face encounter with children with disabilities. She was the educator who was almost the first in Hungary to show Hungarian society that such people do exist and that it is very good to be with them. In my opinion, these people are in the world to teach us love!
After my diploma I worked for the Lebensgemeinschaft Höchenberg ev. in Germany. I lived with adults with intellectual disabilities in a family community. I was also involved in a music therapy group.
It was very important for me as a child to be able to do art, because everyone in my family had a need for it, going back generations. For me, music and theatre arts became my practical fields.
In addition to my teaching practice, I consider it important to be an active creative presence in my life. Teachers in Waldorf Schools should be creative people. In keeping with this, I try to do my artistic work to the highest possible standard. I am a company member of the Soltis Lajos Theatre in Celldömölk. This 33 year old multi-generational community is highly respected among Hungarian experimental theatres and institutions that train actors. I myself can be grateful to have been part of some of the most successful productions, which have been received with great enthusiasm by audiences and professionals both at home and abroad. My performances at the Soltis Lajos Theatre.
Charles Bálint
Teacher of class 7