Institutional TOS

The Organisational and Operational Rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") define the organisational structure of the Apáczai Waldorf Primary School and School of Basic Arts (hereinafter referred to as the "School"), the internal order of its operation, the statements concerning internal and external relations, and all provisions which, according to the law, must be regulated in the Rules or which are not referred to the competence of other regulations.

In accordance with the operating principles of Waldorf education and the law, the School's management model and organisational and operational structure are regulated by the School's Regulations, within which the School carries out its public education task: education and teaching according to the Waldorf curriculum.

These Rules shall enter into force on the date of their approval for an indefinite period of time. The provisions of these Rules and the other internal rules annexed to them shall be binding on all.

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