Home page " Our teachers, staff " Imre Péterné Rajczi

Meet our teachers and staff

The most important thing is that the teacher is enthusiastic about learning and passes this enthusiasm on to the students." (Rudolf Steiner)

"I was born on 20 October 1971 in Budapest. I think of my parents with a warm heart and blessed love: my mother with her lark-voiced, dancing feet and mischievous spirit, my father with his priestly soul and love of books; my grandparents: my grandfather with his quiet, hard-working, golden hands, my grandmother who embroidered everything with flowers, who created order and told anecdotes. I am made of them, I dream their dreams over and over again.

They were not the only ones who shaped my magical childhood years and the lifelong resolutions that grew out of them. After primary music school, I graduated from a secondary school of economics. I was able to draw from a pure source, I followed a clear logic and, following in the footsteps of my good teachers, I wanted to teach myself. I also loved to write. I started working with a diploma with honours from the Budapest Teacher Training College. As a young man, I approached children and parents with true enthusiasm and a deep sense of humanity, following the example of my famous teachers and devoting myself to the art of the profession. After many years of literary and personal experience, I now know that it takes years of serious spiritual and intellectual self-education, building on the experience gained, to achieve the best intentions.

I got married, had my children David, Anna and Lili. Their upbringing and care is one of the greatest challenges of my life. To guard, polish and help to fulfil the treasures entrusted to me is a wonderful task. Along with the experience of motherhood, I have also managed to deepen my chosen vocation. How can teaching and learning become a joy? In what ways can I get close to the souls and spirits of children, so that they can be influenced by me to take in the world happily and make the most of it for their own benefit? How can I bring into harmony the many colours of a community of children? How can my physical, mental and spiritual health be preserved? These were the questions I sought and received answers to while preparing for my degree in development education at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at ELTE and then as a teacher at the Pestszentlőrinci Educational Counselling Centre. My professional experience at the Specialist Service and the positive results of the work ability care led me to learn about Kokas pedagogy. The magical synthesis of music, movement, self-expression is a complex approach and pedagogical practice, from which I found the Apáczai Waldorf Primary School just an arm's length away. A spiritual workshop where colleagues blessed with faith, knowledge of human nature and love of humanity, imbued with an artistic spirit, educate free, creative youth for the world. I join them on their winding path, and I wish to enrich those entrusted to me with my values."

Imre Péterné Rajczi

Teacher of class 6