Home page " Our teachers, staff " Krisztina Somlai

Meet our teachers and staff

The most important thing is that the teacher is enthusiastic about learning and passes this enthusiasm on to the students." (Rudolf Steiner)

"In knowing the world, man finds himself, and in knowing himself, the world opens up to him."

"I was born on 9 February 1990 in Körmend. I grew up in a large family with four brothers and sisters in a village, close to nature. I graduated from high school with a degree in health care, and decided to study physiotherapy at university.

A year later, I applied for a day-care job at the Waldorf School in Apácz. Already in the first month I discovered the peculiarities of education, in which I found my vocation. I was asked to be a chaperone for the first class that started in September the following year, so I was able to accompany the small group that started in 2014 until the end of the first semester of the seventh grade. In the meantime I completed my postgraduate training in Waldorf Education in Solymar.
In 2021, my son was born.

10 years after starting my first class, I have taken on the task of welcoming young children back to school, which I look forward to with great excitement and love."

Krisztina Somlai

Teacher of class 1-2